SPS (Small Polyp Stony) corals are some of the most beautiful and challenging corals to grow in a marine aquarium. Their intricate structures and vibrant colors make them highly sought after by many hobbyists. However, growing SPS corals can be quite challenging and requires careful attention to water quality, lighting, and other environmental factors.

SPS corals require a stable and consistent environment to thrive. The water parameters must be within a specific range, including pH, alkalinity, calcium, and magnesium. In particular, calcium and alkalinity levels are critical for the growth and health of SPS corals. These parameters can be monitored and adjusted by using a test kit and supplements as needed.

Proper lighting is also essential for the growth of SPS corals. They require high-intensity lighting, typically provided by LED or metal halide fixtures. The lighting should be adjusted to provide the appropriate spectrum and intensity for the specific SPS coral species being grown.

In addition to water quality and lighting, proper flow is crucial for SPS coral growth. They require moderate to high water flow to mimic their natural environment and promote healthy growth. The water flow can be adjusted through the use of powerheads or wavemakers.

SPS corals are also sensitive to changes in temperature and salinity. It is essential to maintain a stable temperature and salinity level to prevent stress and promote healthy growth.

Growing SPS corals requires dedication, attention to detail, and patience. It is not a task for beginners, but with the right care and environment, these corals can thrive and add a stunning visual display to any marine aquarium.

Seriatopora Hystrix pink

Montipora digitata Blue